Thursday, September 4, 2014

Getting Involved With The Community: BU ArtsOutreach!

Performance anxiety
and wobbly notes.
We all know that music has the power to elevate us out of our current situations, change our mindsets, and lift our spirits. It can also move us profoundly and deeply. That's why we became musicians. Sharing the gift, however, is another story- if you're like we are, you sometimes feel that you perform only for people who are silently judging you, or who wish they could be at home watching Orange Is The New Black instead of listening to your Mozart concerto. You worked hard on that concerto. They could at least show a little enthusiasm for your historically accurate interpretation.

But sometimes playing out in the community can be the answer to these dreadful woes. Sometimes it's a relief to play for people who aren't also extremely high-level on your instrument, or who aren't musicians at all. Sometimes it's nice to get your feet on the ground and play for the audience music was meant for: human beings.

BU ArtsOutreach is a great program in which you can play music for patients in lobbies, foyers, pediatrics, geriatrics, surgical ward, adult outpatient, and trauma units at the BU Medical Campus. In other words, this program connects musicians with those who might need us the most: those under tremendous amounts of stress. 

Do you wish you had more performing opportunities? Do you struggle with performance anxiety? Do you love to play Yanni music but your teacher won't let you put it on your recital? BU ArtsOutreach can help with these issues as well! Think of it as an extra opportunity to perform for people who are excited about hearing you play.

Who can play? Solo instruments or chamber groups. 
How do I get there? The B.U.S. will drive you to the Medical Campus FOR FREE. 
How do I sign up? Email Courtney Miller at
Do I have to lug my music stand across town? No. You'll be provided with one there.

If you've already wondered how to get started performing in the community, and especially if Boston is new to you, this is an easy and wonderful way to get integrated into your new hometown. Not only will you be providing patients and staff at the BU Medical Campus with a sonic experience and good memories, but you'll also be giving yourself the gift of performing for people who need your music.

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