Monday, August 25, 2014

And Now for a Non-Musical Interlude: REGISTER YOUR STUFF!

Greetings, incoming Bostonites! As many of you know, biking is one of the fastest, awesomest, and most exercise-y ways to get around the city. It's important to remember, especially when you bike a long way, to lock up your bike properly (with a U-lock running through both the wheel and the body of the bike). BUT (and this is exciting), you can also REGISTER YOUR BIKE with the BU police department (and/or Parking & Transportation Services). This is important because if your bike did get stolen, the police would already have a record of the make and model, plus important identifying information like a serial number.

ALSO, you can REGISTER YOUR LAPTOP! According to the police department at BU, theft is the most-reported crime on campus, and laptop and electronic theft is a big part of that. So you can do a few things to safeguard yourself:

1. Don't leave your laptop alone.
2. Don't leave your laptop alone.
3. Register your laptop with the police department.
4. Don't (ever) leave your laptop alone.

Registering your stuff is a great mini-task at the beginning of the school year, when organization is at its peak. We are looking forward to a safe start to the semester, for both us AND our stuff!

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